Digital Citizenship

What is digital citizenship ?

Digital citizenship refers to the responsible use of technology by anyone who uses computers, the Internet, and digital devices to engage with society on any level. Click on the underlined text or image to go to the site and be sure to like us on Facebook to stay up to date on new additions.

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February 6th

Click on the image for activities which can be utilized all year around. 

Well designed, informative and comprehensive guide to get your student ready to take ownership of their digital lives.

Pre-K through 12 activities, games and prompts to guide your child how to navigate topics from playing safely online to what to do if you are cyber bullied. A must look resource for all ages.

How good are you at spotting false news ? When should you share on social media ?

Check out these tips and quizzes HERE

Trace my shadow is a tool that allows you to get a glimpse into the digital traces you're leaving - how many, what kinds, and from what devices.

Start by selecting the device and services that you use. See how many traces you leave and what you can do take control of you traces.

Great for teens to learn who is tracking your data and why plus what can you do about it. 

Tactical Tech's Me and My Shadow project helps you control your data traces, see how you're being tracked, and learn more about the data industry.

Great resource for teens and tweens to get help or become aware about cyber safety and what to do if they witness someone being cyber bullied or feel that they are being bullied. Also covers fake news.

Great advice on how to talk to your 6-10 year olds about Cyber Safety.  

The ages 6-10 years is a very important age to start guiding your student in the right direction start with the video and then review the online resources on this site to be the best guide for them.

PDF on talking about fake news from Internet matters

There are award winning videos featuring Garfield from the Center for Cyber Safety and Education (CCSE). but these are a pay for subscription. Below are free options. 

I saw the original movie around 4 years ago and was inspired and have been an email recipient of Tech Talk Tuesdays ever since. We have many a dinnertime conversation based on the questions inspired by this Tuesday Email.

For Tech Talk Tuesdays (Highly recommended) Click HERE

For the podcasts click HERE

“I-SHOUT-OUT ” is a call to action for anyone wanting to speak out against intolerance, injustice, racism, or bullying. It is a virtual wall for everyone to make their voices heard.

When enough people are willing to speak up and speak out, change will happen and the world will be a better place.

Go to the site and get involved. Shout out cyber bullying. 

Another good article to read especially for the older child, directed at teaching but easily transferable to parenting. Below are suggested questions to ask to teach the news by enquiry.

For 8 - 16 year olds.

Each week, they publish news resources designed for learners aged 9-14. A range of activities help them tackle the big stories in depth and think critically in an age of fake news.

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Thank you in advance for your support.